Friday 10 June 2011

Marcus Orlovsky at The Inspired Group

Emotion, passion and feeling - essential ingredients in our lives, ambitions and businesses, that seem to be absent along the fact oriented, evidence based route that we are supposed to use. Marcus Orlovsky skipped from education, through advertising to successful businesses and back in his presentation to The Inspired Group, at the invitation of Ann Hawkins. One moment we would be comparing two adverts for seat belt use - the fact based "Clunk Click" campaign of the 70s and a contemporary, never screened emotive one which had a significant part of the audience sniffing discretely into their hankerchiefs. The next moment we were following Marcus's dizzying rise to megabuck business, sometimes sailing very close to the wind in terms of what I personally consider ethical business.

What came through consistently, was Markus's passion in three key messages.
First; We have a great responsibility to inspire, enthuse and enable children to strive for distant horizons.
Second; That leadership is inspirational and enabling.
Third, Dare to Dream.

What's more he was willing to go out proactively to promote these messages, with passion, and be an example in daring to dream, encouraging leadership and being committed to providing an inspiring environment for children. (Read more on Twitter!/miltoncontact/status/79638202373255168).

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